Kani stoles

  1. Pashmina-Kani-Stole
    20% off


    Size 70*200 cms approx Kani Pashmina stoles the Timeless Luxury.Kani Pashmina Stole is hand woven in perfection and hence comes into the world of luxury accessorizing a winter accessory worth keeping. Pair the stole with your plain winter outfits and let the colors sing for you the mirthful carols of joy.

    Rs 15200 Rs 19000 
  2. Pashmina-Kani--stole
    20% off


    Size 100*200 cms approx The story of most luxurious kani shawl we manufacture and we trade.Kani Pashmina shawl is handwoven to blend your special moments with nature's artistry.

    Rs 15200 Rs 19000 
  3. Kani-stole
    10% off


    Size 70*200 cms approx Kani Pashmina stoles the Timeless Luxury. Kani Pashmina Stole is hand woven in perfection and hence comes into the world of luxury accessorizing a winter accessory worth keeping. Pair the stole with your plain winter outfits and let the colors sing for you the mirthful carols of joy.

    Rs 49500 Rs 55000